Training & Vocations
Woman Alive

Equipping you to share your faith

Sarah Waller

Raising the topic of faith with friends and family can be a daunting task. There’s the worry that you may not have enough Biblical knowledge or have the right words to explain what you want to say. And even if you do, there’s always the risk that they may not respond well. It takes courage and conviction to share your faith in Jesus Christ openly, but it is possible. Church Army don’t just train full-time evangelists, we provide easy-to-access resources to equip every Christian with what they need to start those sometimes-tricky conversations.

Often, we don’t talk about our faith with friends or family because we don’t know where to begin. Winning souls for the Kingdom of God seems like something best left to those who seem to do it so naturally. So, Church Army have developed a suite of free faith resources to help you begin those conversations using the experiences and stories that God has already equipped you with, to make sharing Jesus as natural as breathing. After all, we are simply messengers of God’s love and mercy. When we make this step into putting ourselves out there, it reminds us that His unconditional love is a beautiful gift to be shared with others.

Faith Pictures is a Church Army resource which has been written to help Christians think about how God’s love has transformed their lives, and to give them space and time to learn how to share that love with others. We believe that each person’s journey of faith is powerful, and Faith Pictures can help you see how extraordinary yours is. After exploring Faith Pictures, people feel more confident to talk to others about their faith…

“Faith pictures equipped me to cut through the jargon when talking about my faith to non-Christians, and really get across what an amazing difference God’s love has made in my life.”

“It was an enjoyable and safe space to join with others to think creatively about ways to connect my faith story to others”

Church Army offers lots of free resources for you to explore individually or in small groups, from wellbeing information to leadership courses. If you would like to explore evangelism in more depth we have a number of courses available, from exploring your own unique way of evangelism to becoming a Church Army Commissioned Evangelist. To find out how you can follow your calling visit our website at churcharmymain.s.zeal.xyz/growing-faith

If Church Army has helped you to follow your calling and vocation we would love to hear your story. Please contact us at hello@churcharmy.org Through our resources we would like to support and encourage you to explore and share your faith. Church Army is a mission community and part of the ministry of the Anglican Church across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

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