Meet our Tutors

What is a Church Army Training Tutor?

An Evangelist-in-Training is an individual who is preparing to become a commissioned evangelist within Church Army, but what about those that teach and train them?

Church Army’s tutors are experienced practitioners and theological educators. It’s their job not just to introduce our Evangelists-in-Training to the wider theory and practice of evangelism, but to also form their development as leaders in their churches. Between them, the tutors’ specialise in creating new worshipping communities and Fresh Expressions of church, contextual missiology, church history, personal and corporate spiritual disciplines, leading worship and much much more!

Meet the Team

Elli Wort

Head of Initial Training

What do you do?

Overseeing the training of our 34 Evangelists-in-Training (EiTs), and tutor to 6 EiTs.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“This year, I’ve especially loved visiting EiTs in their context, to see them putting their learning into practice.”

Beth Burras

Formation Lead & Tutor

What do you do?

Overseeing the development and formation of EiTs, enabling them to reflect on their growth, and tutor to 7 EiTs.

What’s your highlight for this year?

“I’ve really enjoyed sitting with EiTs over coffee and journeying with them as they continually discern their vocation with Church Army.”

Tim Woolley

Module Lead & Tutor

What do you do?

Overseeing the delivery and evaluation of our teaching modules, and tutor to 5 EiTs.

What’s your highlight for this year?

“A highlight for me this year has been joining in with the stimulating conversations EiTs have about theology and practice on our tutor group WhatsApp.”

Are you Built Different?

Are you called to lead the Church but not sure where you might fit?

Click here to explore your vocation

Alan Williamson

Regional Training Lead & Tutor

What do you do?

Developing training on the island of Ireland, and tutor to 6 EiTs.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“It’s been great seeing seeing past students coming to training weekends to speak to current students, and seeing how EiTs learn from them.”

Mel Hartley


What do you do?

Teaching modules (including Creating New Communities), coordinating worship at training weekends, and tutor to 5 EiTs.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“A highlight for me has been enabling EiTs to lead worship at training weekends, and sharing with them in worship.”

David Schannen


What do you do?

Teaching modules (including Mission and Evangelism), coordinating chaplains at training weekends, and tutor to 5 EiTs.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“I especially love hearing EiTs’ stories and reflections on their learning.”

Discovery Events

If you have a heart to see people reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ, then you’re invited to attend any of the below events and discover how you can train as a Church Army Evangelist.

Click here to explore your vocation

Liz Bentley


What do you do?

Helping EiTs access our library of 15,000 theological books, journals and articles.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“This year, it’s been really nice chatting with our EiTs in the library about books they have enjoyed reading.”

Jo Spink


What do you do?

Looking after EiTs’ travel to training weekends, booking accommodation, and liaising with the conference team at WCC.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“This year, we did a drumming fundraiser to ‘Drum up support’ for Church Army, and I really enjoyed drumming with the EiTs in the Quad!”

Andrew Wooding


What do you do?

Looking after Moodle (our online learning hub) and providing learning resources for training weekends.

What’s the highlight for this year?

“I am a member of Sheffield Cluster and it is great when EiTs come a bit early for their training weekends, and join us in our Cluster meetings.”

Got a question about Vocations?

Click here